
Like most websites, we sometimes place small data files on your computer. These are known as cookies. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.

These are the types of cookies we use:

  • Strictly necessary cookies – These cookies are used to make different parts our websites work. Without them, services, information and guidance that you are looking for can’t be provided.
  • Functional cookies – These cookies are used to remember your settings (where provided), so you don’t have to keep re-entering or configuring them whenever you visit a new page. They may also be used when we have added a 3rd party service to offer additional functionality such as video, social media or web chat facilities.
  • Performance cookies – These cookies help us understand how people are using our websites, so we can make them better. We do not capture personal or identifiable information with these cookies.
  • Marketing cookies – These cookies are used to show relevant marketing materials based on your preferences. We do not use these types of cookies on the majority of our sites, and where we do, we will ask for you to specifically opt-in. Any data captured will not be shared or combined for personal profiling.

Some examples of how we are using cookies:

  • Help us understand how people are using our services, so we can make them better
  • Help us personalise your experience by remembering your preferences and settings.
  • Remember information about you, so you don’t have to give it to us again.
  • Keep you signed in, even on different devices

Our cookies aren’t used to identify you personally. They’re just here to make the site work better for you. You can manage and/or delete them as you wish.

Find out more about how to manage cookies.

What cookies do we use?

Strictly necessary cookies


WordPress is the Content Management System (CMS) we use to build our website. The cookies that it generates are strictly necessary for our websites to run.

Name Purpose Expires
PHPSESSID Preserves user session state across page requests End of session
wordpress_test_cookie Used to check if the user’s browser supports cookies End of session
wordpress_sec_2895c52f8effb96dc69c55a97f37a995 WordPress uses to determine whether a user is logged in or not
wp-saving-post Created when auto-saving a post in the editor
__utmli Tries to distinguish clicks on links to the same destination in the in-page analyses End of session
accesscontrast Colour and font selection whilst using the accessibility setting in the gel End of session
accessfont Colour and font selection whilst using the accessibility setting in the gel End of session
cookies_lhc.js End of session


Functional cookies

Remembering if you’ve seen our introductory message

On your first visit to, you’ll be greeted by an introduction message. When you close the message, we’ll store a cookie so that your computer knows you’ve seen it and knows not to show it again (and again…). However if you have chosen to disable cookies in your browser this message will reappear each time you visit.

Name Purpose Expires
dccgel The word ‘accepted’ once you have closed the introduction box 6 months
wad_post_time Timestamp of the most recent #WeAreDevon post When the browser cache is cleared
CookieConsent Stores the user’s cookie consent state for the current domain 1 year

Web chat

We use web chat in places to help you with problems you might have with some services.

Name Purpose Expires
_tawkuuid To detect our visitor’s basic information; the page they are currently viewing, the language of their browser and their ip addresses. This makes it possible for us to help them with the best information about how to solves their issues or answer their questions through a live chat application. End of session

Email subscriptions

Name Purpose Expires
mp_#_mixpanel This cookie is generated by our  3rd party provider for email subscriptions GovDelivery. It helps us understand how many people have signed up to receive emails but does not capture any personal or identifiable information. 1 year

YouTube cookies

We occasionally embed videos from our official YouTube channel using YouTube’s privacy-enhanced mode. This mode may set cookies on your computer once you click on the YouTube video player, but YouTube will not store personally-identifiable cookie information for playbacks of embedded videos using the privacy-enhanced mode. To find out more please visit YouTube’s embedding videos information page.

Name Purpose Expires
GPS Registers a unique ID on mobile devices to enable tracking based on geographical GPS location End of session
PREF Registers a unique ID that is used by Google to keep statistics of how the visitor uses YouTube videos across different websites 8 months
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Tries to estimate the users’ bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos 179 days
YSC Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen End of session


Performance cookies

Measuring website usage (Google Analytics)

Google Analytics stores information about what pages you visit, how long you are on the site, how you got here and what you click on.

We do not collect or store your personal information (for example, your name or address) so this information cannot be used to identify who you are and we do not share or allow Google to use our analytics data.

Google Analytics sets the following cookies:

Universal Analytics

Name Purpose Expires
_ga Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website 2 years
_gat Used to manage the rate at which page view requests are made End of session
_gid Stores and updates a unique value for each page visited End of session

Google Analytics

Name Purpose Expires
_utma Collects data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit 2 years
_utmb Registers a timestamp with the exact time of when the user accessed the website 30 minutes
_utmc Registers a timestamp with the exact time of when the user leaves the website when you close your browser
_utmt Used to throttle the speed of requests to the server End of session
_utmv Used to store visitor level custom variable data ?
_utmz Collects data on where the user came from, what search engine was used, what link was clicked and what search term was used. 6 months
_utm.gif Tracking Code that logs details about the visitor’s browser and computer. End of session

You can opt out of Google Analytics cookies.

Other cookies

Name Purpose Expires
cookie-agreed Records whether or not the cookies notification pop-up has been acknowledged by the user
has_js Allows the website to determine whether your browser is javascript compatible
_atssc This cookie is used for Twitter integration
_atuvc This cookie is used for Twitter integration
_atuvs This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms.
ASP.NET_Sessionld This is the default web application session cookie for session state management (Devon Jobs)
BookmarkedJobsNotLoggedIn Bookmarked jobs when not logged in (Devon Jobs)
_KBCookies_/devon/services/ Pinpoint
JSESSIONID General purpose platform session cookie, used by sites written in JSP. Usually used to maintain an anonymous user session by the server.
catAccCookies Used to record that you accept the site uses cookies